Wow - do I have a powerhouse of a book for my monthly book choice! This month I have chosen to spotlight My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Mary Hartnett and Wendy W. Williams. I have been absolutely fascinated by this woman's life, purpose, and lasting legacy. This book was phenomenal and I cannot recommend it highly enough. We have so much to live up to.
Essentially every single sentence contained in this book could be used as a book defining quote! I tried to just soak up every single word and story that was written about in her book. My highlighter had a full time job on this one! So many amazing take-aways, no matter who you are! One line in particular that really drew me into this book and it's in-depth look at her relationships was from Ruth herself stating:
"I have had great fortune to share life with a partner truly extraordinary for his generation, a man who believed at age 18 when we met, and who sill believes today, that a woman's work, whether at home or on the job, is as important as a man's."
This book highlights not only Ruth's incredibly supportive relationship with her husband but also her outstanding relationships with her fellow justices, presidents, friends, family, and more. Ruth does not shy away from her compliments and acknowledgements of her husband, many times stating that she would never have been in her professional and personal positions had it not been for his support and bravery. I absolutely loved reading more into their lasting marriage and friendship - it actually made me quite emotional. It is so rare to see successful, compassionate and passionate marriages nowadays and I really love to read more into those success stories, especially when it is concerning my idol!
A specifically striking quote about Justice Ginsburg was from President William Clinton upon her appointment to the Supreme Court:
"Quite simply, what is in her record speaks volumes about what's in her heart. Throughout her life she has repeatedly stood for the individual, the person less well off, the outsider in society, and has given those people greater hope by telling them that they have a place in our legal system, by giving them a sense that the Constitution and the laws protect all American people, not simply the powerful."
I think this beautifully sums up Ruth's life in unifying peoples, as well as fighting for what is right and just. She was a huge champion for women's rights and I hugely admire her for that. Only through reading this book will her life's purpose be truly understood. I cannot fully do justice to her work and success with my simple words and synopsis.
The cases alone that Justice Ginsburg has tried, dissented, written about and more could take up hundreds of pages of review. However, I can say that regardless of where you stand on certain issues and judicial cases, this book has wonderful things to offer to every single person. I cannot recommend this book more! I absolutely loved it. The world will miss her dearly.
Tea for this month of love? I have been on a huge black tea kick - needing that caffeine and bitter taste more than ever recently! I have been drinking primarily local tea shops homemade black teas. I would highly recommend checking out your own local shops and trying some local teas now!
Happy February, friends!
If you are wanting to purchase the book mentioned here, please use our Amazon affiliate link listed below here:
My Own Words-Ruth Bader Ginsburg -